Monday, May 25, 2009

Gone to the Dogs

Our little Biggles had a semi-traumatic day...
No, that's not a camera around his next- it's a shock collar.
I know, I know. I'm a bad dog owner, but we had to get him one because the
neighbors complained that he barks incessantly after we leave for work in the morning.

So this weekend we tried it out on him. Poor li'l guy.

I felt so guilty about putting that thing on him.
When Roxanne called and said she was taking her dog to the dog park,
I decided to take Biggles too to lift his spirits

This was only his 2nd time at the dog park. The first time
he went he was a little scared and didn't
interact with the other dogs much.

This time, however, he jumped right in the mix and had fun.

Maybe a little too much fun. This big dog scared Biggles when he
charged up behind him, unaware Biggles took a tumble.
After that, Biggles would not leave that poor St.Bernard alone!
Biggles barked and chased him...and I was about ready for that shock collar again!

Here he is running free...Biggles the Rogue Doggie!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Rare Moment in Time...

AGAIN, life has been too busy...too busy to busy to read blogs
but I am EXCITED 'cause it's 2 weeks until summer vacation!
I will be OFF for 2 months- YEAH!

That means I will then have LOADS of time to waste-oops, I mean spend on the
computer. Lately, any free computer time I get
is spent in mindless time-sucking on FACEBOOK...(but you have to
admit it's fun to reconnect with old friends!)

Here is a picture of a rare moment in time when my precious
boy and girl were getting along nicely.
Of course they were playing Playstation...but they weren't arguing
and I just had to grab my camera to record this moment in time!

I had to delete about 5 photos 'cause Zach would turn his
head everytime I snapped the photo- STINKER!

Finally I got them...See them trying NOT to smile!