Sunday, March 22, 2009

Under the Bathroom Counter MisTreatment

Do you have one of these spaces in your bathroom?

As we have been working on the Master bath re-do
I've been thinking
about what to do with this un-used space.

I thought it would be a great idea to hang a curtain there
with a small tension rod.
Then I could hide stuff under the counter!

So I found some cheap fabric in the remnant bin
at Walmart. It cost about $1.50.
Then I got a short tension rod for about $4.00.

I am not a sewer by any means...
so I glue-gunned the hems and used safety pins to attach the
curtain pieces to the rods.

I call it "Curtains for Dummies"- hahaha!

1 comment:

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

Looks good! I LOVE hiding things!