Sunday, July 12, 2009

I Found My Thrills...

The day before we set out for our Oregon road trip
I went blueberry picking with my friend, Lisa, her son
and my daughter.

Since I had never been blueberry picking before, I was quite excited.
We went to the Guisto's farm in Acampo.

I'm glad we decided to go at 7:30 am because it got hot out there quickly!

We found out that each bush has a slightly different flavor!

So you gotta pretty much taste as you go to ensure
picking your favorite taste of blueberry!

Between my daughter and I, we managed to pick quite a few!

I packed up a big bag to take on vacation with us and I froze the rest.

So far, I've just been eating them "raw" or making yummy pancakes.

Does anyone have any to-die-for recipes involving blueberries to send me?


houseofkat said...

Oooooo! I LOVE blueberries! And how fun to go out pick them. I think my kids would eat them all before they landed in the bucket!

I used to make a great fruit crisp with blueberries. It has egg and butter in it so I don't make it anymore, but it is SOOO yummy and easy to make - I'll send you the recipe.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I just love mine on my Kashi cereal every morning with a few sliced strawberries. My favorite meal and so easy!

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

I would find a recipe on line search blueberry muffin recipes blog in google and I just bet someone has an awesome recipe!!

Roxanne said...

They're really yummy frozen in a smoothie! Also blueberry scones!!! YUM!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I will post a blueberry recipe this afternoon or evening to add to Tasty Tuesday. We make it frequently because I have a freezer full of blueberries. Jackie